Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Running with Asthma

Asthma sucks. 

If you've never had an asthma attack, let me share with you the feeling. The most common attack is a mild to moderate attack and just because it's mild doesn't mean it's easy to handle. It is a kick in the lungs. 

Basically, it feels like someone has you in a bear hug or is pressing down on your lungs. When I have an asthma attack my lungs burn, my back hurts, I cough, I lean forward as if it might help, but it doesn't really. An asthma attack is scary because you can't breath, which I hear is pretty essential for living.

When I was a kid, I would panic when I had asthma attacks. I would cry, intensifying the attack threefold. I still panic slightly when I start wheezing and feel a tightening in my chest, which is what happened today. 

I walked about a half a mile, ran until I hit the 2 mile marker on the pavement and then started wheezing like a big ol' asthmatic. I had to walk to my car and use my inhaler and try to calm down before it got worse. I think it's the whole running in nature thing that triggers my asthma.  I run at the Genesys nature trail around the hospital, which looks gorgeous, but preys on my allergies.

After I used my inhaler, I went back to my run and was able to run two miles straight and walk another one. I was so proud of myself at the end of my run - for not giving up when I could have and for not letting my asthma get in the way. 

Sometimes I have to keep in mind that just because I have asthma, doesn't mean I can't. 


  1. congrats on the run.. keep it up.
    Don't be like me and fall down a lot (it doesn't help with the running).

  2. lol. thanks shannon. i'll try and keep that in mind!
