Monday, May 4, 2009

I Have a New Home

I moved to wordpress.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

National Barbecue Month

Is it just me or is there a national month for everything? This month is national barbecue month and I'm thinking I need to do two things:

One: Find some good vegetarian barbecue recipes and then request my parents to barbecue all month. Vegetarian or not, I love the smoky smell of barbecue.

Two: I must read this thesis on Barbecue written by Anoop Desai, former American Idol contestant. It's a 60-page paper on the history of barbecue and yeah, it's downloadable. You can read a paper about barbecue while listening to its autor sing Donna Summer's Dim All The Lights. This is why I love the internet.

Hopsital Food Around the World

Just found an interesting photo blog - via, one of my favorite general food sites.

Photos of hospital food around the world. What a good idea for a blog.


I haven't written in a while, because I'm being lazy. I didn't work out all week and it was almost a relief... until I realized how amazingly tired and low on energy I've felt all week.

Guess I better get my butt in gear.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Not that I think a ton of people want to comment, but my friend just pointed out to me that she couldn't comment because of my settings.

Settings are changed. Comment away! 

Running with Asthma

Asthma sucks. 

If you've never had an asthma attack, let me share with you the feeling. The most common attack is a mild to moderate attack and just because it's mild doesn't mean it's easy to handle. It is a kick in the lungs. 

Basically, it feels like someone has you in a bear hug or is pressing down on your lungs. When I have an asthma attack my lungs burn, my back hurts, I cough, I lean forward as if it might help, but it doesn't really. An asthma attack is scary because you can't breath, which I hear is pretty essential for living.

When I was a kid, I would panic when I had asthma attacks. I would cry, intensifying the attack threefold. I still panic slightly when I start wheezing and feel a tightening in my chest, which is what happened today. 

I walked about a half a mile, ran until I hit the 2 mile marker on the pavement and then started wheezing like a big ol' asthmatic. I had to walk to my car and use my inhaler and try to calm down before it got worse. I think it's the whole running in nature thing that triggers my asthma.  I run at the Genesys nature trail around the hospital, which looks gorgeous, but preys on my allergies.

After I used my inhaler, I went back to my run and was able to run two miles straight and walk another one. I was so proud of myself at the end of my run - for not giving up when I could have and for not letting my asthma get in the way. 

Sometimes I have to keep in mind that just because I have asthma, doesn't mean I can't. 

Monday, April 13, 2009

Mmmm Donuts

Ever wanted to make vegan donuts? 

Susan over at presents a fatfree vegan donut recipe! These look pretty tasty.

Photo is from Susan's Blog!

The FatFreeVegan blog is one that I visit on a pretty regular basis. 

I really love the way she has her blog set up. It's simple, she gives good ideas, has creative recipes and I love the way her recipes are cataloged. It's probably my favorite vegan/vegetarian food blog because it's so simple, yet full of creative dishes. Totally in tune with the way my mind works when it comes to food!