Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ringing In The New Year

I'm ringing in the New Year with bad food! 

I thought my last hurrah would be the lunch date at The Torch. I lied. Tonight, I will make yummy bad food choices. Then after that, I'm all about healthy choices with occassional bad choices sprinkled in there. It's lucky I don't keep junk food in my house, or I'd have to toss it all out.

I'll be making a visit to my doctor soon to get a physical and talk to him about my eating habits. I figure I shouldn't try any diet fads or do this completely on my own and instead I will take advantage of the health professional in my life. 

I'm excited and scared about my New Years resolution. I'm excited because I've already had several people tell me they would be glad to go running or to an exercise class with me. I'm fired up about the moral support and possible exercise buddies: Angela, Amanda, Brandy, Kristen and Shannon. I'm going to get somebody to exercise with me on my Jen-less days, if it's the last thing I do. 

I'm also a little terrified of the running and the exercising and the not eating cookies whenever I want.  But I think I will be able to complete my goal, because I'm more afraid of what will happen if I don't stop eating so many cookies. 

Wish me luck! I'll blog again after my first weigh-in on January 5.

No Baggage in 2009!

This song is a good reminder that I don't need emotional baggage in my life. So fire up for no drama in '09!


Monday, December 29, 2008

And So It Begins

Today Jen and I went to The Torch for lunch and mapped out our plan to successfully complete The Crim on Aug. 22, 2009.

It was my last big hurrah with the bad food. Sad face. Fortunately, it helped us get a lot of our ideas on paper. So now we've got ideas for exercise, scheduled buddy work out days, rewards, healthy eating ideas, a grocery shopping attack plan, ideas for motivation and Jen has even recruited the help of a friend, who just so happens to be a personal trainer. 

I think Jen and I will be really good for each other with this. She's determined when she wants to be and I remember her scary ways from back in my roller derby days. Her practices were like boot camp! And I've already told her, I will not be stood up on my buddy-exercise days! 

This is going to be so good for me. My ultimate goal is to finish the 5k of the Crim and to lose 40 pounds by the end of the year.

Our first weigh-in is Jan. 4. We start the journey o' health and fitness Jan. 5. I'm a little scared. What have I gotten myself into?! *eep*